Thursday, January 7, 2010

Asus Motherboard Bundles WHAT IS THE BEST MOTHERBOARD I Could Get From Asus ( Gaming ) And What Is The Price ? Also Is It Mandatory?

WHAT IS THE BEST MOTHERBOARD i could get from asus ( gaming ) and what is the price ? also is it mandatory? - asus motherboard bundles

For an integrated graphics card, because I want to buy a graphics card POV, so The One With The MOBO wasted.
10 points for a good solution!


chris w said...

Information still does not need to say whether AMD or Intel.

I like AMD, so I would go with this
AM3 DDR3 ASUS M4A79T Deluxe AMD 790FX ATX AMD Motherboard
Phase Xtreme for AM3 CPU w / support for DDR3, Turbov

This model has no onboard video, and supports graphics cards and much more. Make sure a good source of energy.

say wat' said...

Umm and search for ... the best prices and best deals on combo ... Good luck

say wat' said...

Umm and search for ... the best prices and best deals on combo ... Good luck

say wat' said...

Umm and search for ... the best prices and best deals on combo ... Good luck

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