Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sweets Syndrome In Dogs Can A Dog Have Tourette's Syndrome?

Can a dog have tourette's syndrome? - sweets syndrome in dogs

I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I'm beginning to doubt. This guy I know has the mini-schnauzer, which is usually very quiet and gentle and sweet. A tendency to bark when someone comes in the door, or he sees or hears something outside. Barking habits seems pretty normal for me.

But there are times when you just (cry and I use that word literally, because it is a piece, as usual ... it is very bright and hurts my ears) are obviously nothing. Nothing has happened ... Sitting or lying down and arise suddenly, but only barking like nuts are gone. Its duration is .... only a few seconds, but only sporadic scares me more time.

I know that dogs can be things that we may not be of the sounds that they can not hear .... be surprised to hear but - Menuda - boring after a while.


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