Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Strep Throat On Toys My 21 Month Old Has Strep Throat...?

My 21 month old has strep throat...? - strep throat on toys

... led us to the emergency room last night I had difficulty swallowing. Follow today with the pediatrician, and although it can swallow a little better, still does not seem to want to drink anything but juice with ice. It is also irrelevant that at all times and can not send what you want. He is currently Tylenol and penicillin G was shot last night. He is good with the drugs ...

We have showed all the television, playing with toys, colors and flavors. Any ideas from experienced parents out there? Thank you ... any help is appreciated!


Heather, RN said...

Do you have Pedialyte? It is also a good drink for them. If my children are sick, I give the equivalent of child safe. Remember (Pediasure Not? On his name!) Ice is also good if your throat hurts! The poor thing ...

In terms of activities, Love Sick Children Play-Doh! At least mine and not the kiddos in our hospital. :) Or maybe some Jell-O together make ... If she is old enough to understand what you are doing. Simple and quiet activities are best for not overworked and exhausted. Sounds like you do a good job! * Small Prayer! *

Heather, RN said...

Do you have Pedialyte? It is also a good drink for them. If my children are sick, I give the equivalent of child safe. Remember (Pediasure Not? On his name!) Ice is also good if your throat hurts! The poor thing ...

In terms of activities, Love Sick Children Play-Doh! At least mine and not the kiddos in our hospital. :) Or maybe some Jell-O together make ... If she is old enough to understand what you are doing. Simple and quiet activities are best for not overworked and exhausted. Sounds like you do a good job! * Small Prayer! *

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